Launched in 2013 by Jorge Soto and Santiago Villegas, Alegra has become a success case of entrepreneurship for being the accounting software most used by SMEs in Latin America. Also, in 2020 Alegra joined Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa continuing with it global expansion with own financial resources.

As a Global Technology Company

Nowadays, 7 years after its launch, Alegra contributes to the growth of more than 300 thousand SMEs of over 25 countries across 3 continents. The key to Alegra’s success comes from its versions which compliant with localized government regulations of 14 countries: USA, Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Spain, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Dominican Republic.

Santiago Villegas, Co-funder & CTO, and Jorge Soto, Cofounder & CEO.

Jorge y Santiago photo gallery

The Cloud Management Software for SMEs

Alegra is an administrative and accounting software that enables SMEs to efficiently and accurately manage their daily e-invoicing, operations and administrative tasks via a one-stop-shop cloud-based platform. We operate under a Saas (software as a service) model, where its users pay a recurring fee for using the platform. 

  • Easy to use. It is no necessary to have advanced knowledge in accounting to use Alegre, since the platform is very intuitive, friendly and designed on makes small and medium businesses lifes easier.
  • Mobility. Have access to businesses information from any device with internet connection, anywhere, anytime. 
  • Real-time updates. As Alegra is a 100% online-based application, it’s constantly updated to fit the businesses needs. Everytime our users log in, they find a stronger version. 
  • Security. The businesses information will always be safe with Alegra as we use the best security systems. Hosted by Amazon specialized servers, businesses don't have to worry about backing up your information or any expensive infrastructure.
  • Integration with other applications. Alegra API can connect with other systems such as: Electronic Commerce, CRM, ERP and Accounting System to keep your information updated. Alegra also integrates with Zapier, Shopify, Zoho CRM, Data CRM among others.
  • Automatización de cobros de facturas: Desde el sistema de Alegra puedes crear un link con el estado de cuenta de tus clientes y enviarles recordatorios de pago. Además, mediante la integración con PayU, puedes gestionar los pagos de facturas a través de métodos diversos como tarjetas de crédito y débito.
  • Movement tracking. Businesses can analyze their performance based on real time information by tracking invoices history, best-selling products, balance sheet, cash flow, income statement, taxes, portfolio rotation, payments, accounts payable, and other balances.

For more information you can visit https://www.alegra.com/en/

Jorge Soto

CEO and Co-founder

Jorge Soto is a Colombian entrepreneur with more than 15 years of experience in founding technology-based companies. He is an Engineering Administrator with a Specialization in Politics Science, with a strong passion for digital trends. During his entrepreneur path, he discovered some needs of small businesses and that’s how he co-founded Alegra, an administrative and accounting software that enables SMEs to efficiently and accurately manage their daily e-invoicing, operations and administrative tasks via a one-stop-shop cloud-based platform. In 2020 Jorge has been chosen as one of the 30 promises of business by Forbes Colombia.

LinkedIn Jorge Soto

Santiago Villegas

CTO and Co-founder

Santiago is a Colombian entrepreneur with more than 10 years of experience by building technology and SaaS (Software as a Service) companies. He studied Computing Engineering, and as his entrepreneurship path he co-founded Alegra, an administrative and accounting software that enables SMEs to efficiently and accurately manage their daily e-invoicing, operations, and administrative tasks via a one-stop-shop cloud-based platform. In 2020 Santiago has been chosen as one of the 30 promises of business by Forbes Colombia, and he’s also recognized by one of the 35 most innovative young people in the world and one of the 10 most innovative young people in Colombia by the MIT Technology Review Magazine. 

LinkedIn Santiago Villegas

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Ángelo Anaya

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Sobre Alegra

Alegra.com es el sistema de soluciones en la nube para la gestión de las pymes y emprendedores. Especializados en Contabilidad Inteligente, el software integral de Alegra.com brinda soluciones en contabilidad, facturación, punto de venta (POS) y nómina electrónica.  Con más de 1 millón de usuarios registrados en 2024, el éxito de Alegra.com radica en su adaptabilidad a la legislación tributaria de cada uno de los países donde opera; entre ellos Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, España, México, Panamá, Perú y  República Dominicana
Para más información, visita https://www.alegra.com 
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